Day 7 of New Moon in Taurus Self-Love Challenge


Welcome to Day 7 of the challenge!  Now’s the time for us to start digging in our heels to stake our claim as the authors of our lives.  2017 is a 10 year– the year of authority.  Today, I invite you read an article that I wrote challenging our perception and the opportunity for deep healing present at this time.  You’ll find the link to my article under inspiration below.  You’ll also find the day’s objectives, your action list and a link to the meditation that I recorded yesterday, just in case you missed it.   Enjoy your day!

Action List
Day 7 Objectives:

  1. To start looking at what is ready to be released– what inside of us wants to die.
  2. To focus on what we want, what we desire.
  3. To affirm what we have by giving and sharing.


“You are not your ego, you are not your experiences, opinions, beliefs, limitations, upbringing, heritage, your body, your community, nor even the child of your parents.  You Are I AM that I AM.  You are the indescribable, unconditional, loving, creative extension of Source energy.”

Lots of friends have been inquiring about the intense confrontational energies that they’ve been experiencing. Here’s my insight– This year is the year of Authority, our personal authorship. Right now, the New Moon in Taurus is affecting us, challenging us to make better foundations for our projects… challenging us to make better choices and to think about the long term with our visioning. The ‘bad’ or challenging stuff is coming up for us to prove that we have the right to author our own lives. This stuff is not happening to victimize us. In fact, it’s coming up so that we can see how unvictim-like we are.

Read the whole article… 

Action List
Here is your action list for today

  1. READ:  My blog post, Bad Stuff Wants to be Released. NOW.
  2. MEDITATE:  Do the guided “Who Am I? Meditation.”  This meditation takes about 20 minutes to complete.  Set a timer to remind yourself to check in with this newly discovered self every 2 hours.  A simple check in is all you need— just 30 seconds to peel back the layers of thinking to reflect and enjoy your I Am Presence.
  3. JOURNAL:  After doing the meditation, answer the following question in your journal.  If the Moon, Venus, the Sun and Taurus were your beloved aunties and uncles who adored you and wanted to provide you everything you desire— for what would you ask them?  Write out what gifts you would like to receive from Moon, Venus, Sun and Taurus.
    • Remember that the Moon is expansive and great at enhancing feminine principles, heightening your sensuality and feeling nature and sharpening your intuition. She can help you shine light on what is hidden (and might be holding you back) and she can help illuminate how to heal.  The Moon represents Mother and can bring you nurturing, comfort and support.
    • Venus is wonderful for fueling your sexuality, your creativity and your romantic nature.  She is all about love, beauty, art and connection.  She is a diamond and pulls material wealth, money, treasure and profit.
    • The Sun is masculine and represents authority, knowing, confidence, warmth, good energy, high spirits, optimism, positive thinking, a positive outlook, intelligence and capability.
    • Taurus is the earth in springtime offering the landscape on which good crops are planted, nurtured and sown to reap abundance, joy and prosperity.  Taurus is spiritual wisdom, intelligence and solid foundations.  Taurus is material manifestations, things on paper, marriage, and book-learning.
  4. GIVE:  All of these planets and aspects are particularly generous.  They are naturally generous because they know themselves as infinitely abundant. So please make giving a big part of your journey this week.  Giving is an affirmation of having and it is your belief (and ultimate KNOWING) of your having that is going to make you realize it in your inner world and subsequently in your material world.  In other words, if you want to receive more sexual flirtation from Venus, you have to KNOW that you have it.  Go out and flirt!  Don’t wait until you think you’re ready.  Flirt when you’re not wearing make-up and dressed frumpy.  Flirt when you’re dressed to the nines.  You have it now.  Go share your beautiful self.  Same thing with money.  Don’t wait until you think you have more money than you need… hell, that could be like waiting for Godot (remember that from French Existentialism?  He never arrived!)  Take a risk on trust and give now.  You don’t have to empty your bank account, but you also can relax the purse strings a little bit.  These planets and aspects are not waiting to give you what’s already yours.  It’s already yours!  You’re just tuning into them to turn on your own channels that are blocked by your egoic self.  So stop pretending like you don’t have it and go give it.  Do this every day.  Give something every day because you are abundant every day.  Give to charity, make a donation, offer something to the homeless, volunteer to help, make a meal and share it with someone, give money to a friend, bake cookies for your local fire department, go perform for children in the hospital, share your smile, share your ideas, talk to people in line at the post office, share yourself.


Enjoy this deeply relaxing Meditation to Set Yourself Free…

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