I love the power of this White Tara. White Tara represents sensitivity, compassion, and maturity. With this Full Moon, I pray that we all distill these within ourselves. Image by Hrana Janto.
Listen to the Full Moon in Capricorn Podcast or read the blog post below…
Here is your Moon Phase Report and Ritual. The Full Moon in Capricorn rises on July 9th at 6:06am in Zagreb, Croatia. The Full Moon is always the culmination of your intention and focus from the last New Moon, even though how exactly this manifests might be a mystery to you. I am going to suggest that you allow the ‘how’ to remain mysterious and that you simply relax into the changes that are taking place inside and outside of yourself. Moon work is intuitive. Sometimes, when we try to understand too much through our lower mind, we thin out the delicious transformation that is happening within us. The lower mind likes to put things into boxes that it can understand. This is its way of coping and controlling our experience. That’s great for many things like driving a car, finalizing a budget and voting for president, but when we’re working with the Moon, we want to relax the mind and let our Intuition take over. Intuition and the feminine principle of allowance is the realm of the Moon. So when you get into the Moon Ritual for this phase, do your best to let go and let Goddess.
Before I get into the goods, I want to remind you that at every Full Moon, I do free LIVE channeling here on my website. You bring your questions and the places you want insight, and I tune into the Divine Matrix and connect you and your Spirit Guides, delivering messages using my trusty intuition, clairvoyance, Tarot and astrology. If it sounds good to you then sign-up and join me for this powerful night of channeling.
For this Full Moon phase, you’re going to be doing a lot of integrating of new beliefs, thought and behavior patterns. That’s totally what we have been working on for the last few weeks, so now it’s INTEGRATION TIME! Woohoo! So if you have been paying attention to your emotions, you can expect to see improvement in your career, the quality of your work and the way people receive you. You can also expect some fun times coming on the love front as Venus is in Gemini until July 31st! This is a positive Moon phase and it’s going to be very welcome after the rough couple of weeks we’ve had since the Sun went into Cancer. Read that report if you want to know what’s up there.
Capricorn is an Earth sign, which means that it feels at home in the material world. The symbol for Capricorn is a half goat with a fish tail. I remember being in the Grand Canyon and watching a herd of goats maneuver the steep and craggy cliffs around the North Rim. They were confident and surefooted. Somehow they managed to keep their heads up and looking toward the horizon when they were navigating even the steepest and sheerest of cliff edges. Me, as an Aquarius, I have to watch the ground when I walk because I have very little sense of it intuitively. Not all Aquarians are like that, but I am a bit of a lofty Air girl with lots of ether in my chart. So yeah, when I don’t look carefully at the ground, I will find myself stumbling and struggling to recover. Not Cappies, though. Cappies are good in their bodies. They love touch and slow, sensual movement. They’re very graceful and elegant and ooooweee those Cappy men are some fine specimens! I’m just sayin’ that I have guessed a Cappy by his physical beauty on more than one occasion. And yep, my second favorite lover was Cappy and our love-making was all that.
So aside from being beautiful and proficient in the sack, the sign of Capricorn is deep thinking, steadfast and solid. There’s a certain darkness that comes along with this sign but it’s not a life-draining darkness as much as it is a dark confidence that comes from drawing one’s power from within. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn and if you’ve been following my blogs, you’ll have learned that Saturn is the dark and cold planet whose job it is to make us toe the line in terms of discipline, excellence and commitment. In Hindu, he is known as the teacher of demons (which I understand to be the teacher of unruly egoic impulses) and most of the time he teaches by restricting the flow of something you probably want.

This is an image of Lord Shani, the Hindu god ruling planet Saturn. He is represented by dark skin and he is slender with dry hair. HIs favorite servant is a bird from the Corvidae family (crow.)
In my case, for example, I have a personality that LOVES everything for about 10 minutes, and then I am bored out of my gourd and looking for the next thing to THRILL me. Hey, notice the capital letters here! That’s my personality coming through. I LOVE things and I get EXCITED about stuff and I simply MUST express using caps because I FEEL things so DEEPLY. Hahahaha! Yeah. That makes for a funny read, but there are a few problems with this frivolous personality. #1: I get burned out from all the LOVE and EXCITEMENT that I derive from my voluminous but shallow sentimentality. I am usually the first to leave a party because I need to go home and recuperate from all that giddiness. #2: I get distracted by shiny things, fall in LOVE with them and act impulsively… like the time I spent my last $100 on a Swarovski Hello Kitty tchotchke with bunny ears and a heart. I didn’t realize that it was my last $100, but this is the story of my life.

Who could resist this bit of gorgeousness?
My debit card had expired and I didn’t know it, because, you know, when you travel the world, you do not need to be in touch with your financial status. HUH? This is sarcasm, friend. That was dumb of me and irresponsible. I had $100 cash (this was in rupees, by the way) in my wallet and I impulsively used that loot to pay for the tchotchke. I was in the Mumbai airport and man, that airport is FABULOUS! All murals and vast hallways and shops and WOW! I was high from having lived off meditation, mantra and excellent curries in an ashram for two months, studying Vedic astrology with a real live Swami, bathing in the Ganga River, and basically getting really in touch with God/Goddess. Arriving in this opulent airport made me crazy. I was feeling LOVE for everybody and everything and Swarovski Hello Kitty appeared. I could have paid for the item with my debit card, and that would have allowed me to track my spending and it would have shown me that my card was expired and then I could have known that the rupees in my pocket would need to be guarded and exchanged in Paris for euros in order for me to survive until my new card arrived. As a compulsive spender, I know that it is my responsibility to use my debit card to track my spending and hold myself accountable. But I’m HORRIBLY (notice the caps!) undisciplined and uncommitted to serving my Highest Good. So I went off the program. Saturn hates this kind of impulsive behavior. Well, I shouldn’t say that he hates it. Saturn is a planet and doesn’t care about things. Saturn is a vibration that radiates down to Earth, and I can say truthfully that compulsive, addictive behavior that comes from an undisciplined, irresponsible mindset is in direct conflict with the nature of stoic, wise and disciplined Saturn. If you are on Earth to learn lessons from Saturn, then you can expect an ass whooping that comes in the form of withholding whatever it is you need. In my case, it was the debit card that would give me access to money, transportation, housing and food for three days in Paris.
In the Zodiac, the 10th house is embodied by Capricorn and this house is perched at the top of the wheel in an area that is known as the Midheaven. The 10th house rules your reputation and career. I like to think of it as how we want to intentionally extend ourselves into the world and how the world receives us. If you’ve never had your chart made, I have an excellent system and can generate a 15 page report for you to learn all about your Divine Blueprint. That’s what astrology is, your Divine Blueprint. I am including below, an image of President Donald Trump’s Zodiac Wheel. I love President Trump’s wheel because I get to watch it acted out every day on NPR, Reuter’s, and the BBC and then I get to see it spoofed on Saturday Night Live. He’s clearly the media’s favorite and of course, they are shaping his image, but they are clearly focused on what the planets are saying. Exploring the president’s astrological chart has expanded the way that I feel about him and about myself as both Divine Beings having human experiences. WE ARE SO DIFFERENT!!! Because I have explored his chart, I have been able to see him with a compassion that I didn’t have before. This has deepened my relationship with the Universe and helped me to understand myself better. By the way, you can find astrological info about any celebrity you want online as a matter of public record. I found the president’s birth data on another astrological site because for me, I like to know who my presidents are from an astrological point of view. I took president Trump’s info and plugged it into my professional software, the same software that I use for myself, my family, friends, and all my clients. I have posted the actual report on my blog for your own explorations. It’s fascinating and mind-blowingly scary how it describes what we see of him in the media! He’s fascinating and he has nothing to do with the Full Moon in Capricorn except to highlight and demonstrate that he has three celestial bodies in his Midheaven, the 10th house, which represent career, reputation and intentional self-expression. Three important occurrences in the Midheaven… one of which is the SUN, all of which indicate ambition. You’ve just gotta go and read this chart. I don’t care what your political leanings are. It’s FASCINATING! I highlighted all my favorite parts. Ha! And they say astrology is not scientific! Oooooowweeeeee! I dare you to call it coincidence.

From President Trump’s computer generated astrology report: “The Sun in the Tenth House represents a concentration of one’s vital force to act with authority and make a responsible contribution to the world. You have a great need to feel accepted and acknowledged by society. Career or vocation is very important to you. You also enjoy the idea of being famous. You may feel yourself to be ambitious, seeking a position of honor, nobility, or leadership. You are likely to personally identify with your career, which could in fact be the underlying reason for seeking status… Stimulated by your need to receive recognition you are primed to succeed at whatever you choose to do. Your drive, stamina, and commitment generate an aura of calm and collected strength. You are at your best when you are able to fulfill a role from which you can earn respect and gain insight into your inner motivation, in order to realize your true source of personal power, as you work your way toward your ambitious professional goals.”
So as I said earlier, the Full Moon is the culmination of our intention and the focus of our actions from the last New Moon. The Moon was New two weeks ago in Cancer. At that time, I suggested that you go into creative mode and focus your attention on getting grounded and feeling connected to the Earth and the Heavens, and then using that powerful sense of oneness as your starting point for manifestation and co-creation with the Universe. I explained that Cancer is a cardinal sign and thus a natural Authority. Capricorn, too, is a cardinal sign and so as the Moon rises Full this period, we are given the opportunity to distill our Authority and integrate it with permanence. BOOYAH. This is a ’10’ year and the Universe is making sure that those of us who are ready to stand up for our autonomy and our self-worth are fully supported in our endeavor. With the Full Moon rising in Capricorn, we are being given a golden opportunity to go inward and take one last look at our 10th House issues so that we can release what no longer serves us and embrace that which does. The integration and the distillation of our personal Authority is imminent.
The nature of the Moon is feminine, cold, dark and mysterious. The Moon represents your psyche, intuition, femininity, Third Eye, feeling, emotions, and Shadow. The Moon represents change and each month, she waxes and wanes and this describes the waxing and waning of our emotional states. The Moon’s orbit seems erratic bouncing all around the sky! Sometimes she’s to the left, sometimes to the right. Sometimes she’s totally visible in broad daylight. Make up your mind already, Lady! When she is New, she is dark. There is no light cast upon her. She, in a sense, is like an empty vessel waiting to be filled with your hope and desires. I like to think of the New Moon as a blank canvas on which we can paint our dreams. The New Moon is the time when we envision our future and hold it in our awareness while the Vortex forms all around us. We inhale and exhale our vision, and we fuel the Vortex which informs and shapes the Universe itself. When the Moon becomes full, the cycle is complete and what we want can now begin to manifest in the world, usually fully evidenced in the world at the same Moon cycle the next year.
So how can you best use the energy of this Full Moon to your advantage? Well, I want you to imagine that you have gone up to your cozy, little log cabin in the woods. It is your safe place and you feel very much at home whether you are in the cabin or out among the tall and protective trees. I want you to imagine that it is nighttime and that you are answering an inner call to take a walk outside. You say, “Yes,” to that inner calling because you have an undeniable urge to feel the earth beneath your feet and the hear the hum of the crickets. You go outside and notice that the world is cloaked in a thick darkness. There is no moon in the sky, but here and there you can see a smattering of stars through the tall trees. Although it is very dark, you feel confident and safe. You go along slowly, cautiously, feeling your way, inhaling the scent of the trees, listening to the gentle wind. You find yourself moving toward the lovely lake that sits just behind your cabin. There is a clearing where the grass is low and you pull off your shoes and walk to the water’s edge. The grass is just slightly damp and you welcome the feeling on your bare feet. You find a comfy seat and sit down. Maybe you’re on a pier, or on the sand. It doesn’t matter. This is your special place and it is dark, cozy, and protected. You inhale and feel a sense of peace, and you look out over the lake observing the dark shapes that the trees form. Now imagine that a silver arc begins to slowly rise from below the horizon over the water. How does the landscape begin to change? Let your imagination take you on a journey of discovery as the Moon comes to illuminate and enlighten this sacred place.
The thing that I want you to take away from this Full Moon in Capricorn is the great synthesis that comes naturally as the Moon, planet of Intuition and Mystery rises on a dark and peaceful landscape. The Inner world of Capricorn is deep, rich and peaceful. It is shadowy and safe; deeply textured and wise. This is a potentially scary time as the Moon deals with what is hidden, and what is mysterious. The reason I kept insisting that your woods were safe and that you were comfortable there is because many people are NOT comfortable in the dark without a light. Alone, in the dark without a light—it can make your skin crawl just thinking about it. So I am suggesting that primarily during this Full Moon phase you simply practice relaxing into the Mystery. To simply soften your mind, relax your thinking mechanism and to sit back and watch it all unfold without needing to control what’s happening. The coping function of our minds is a creativity killer that shuts us down and puts us on auto-pilot. You can’t distill shit when you’re paralyzed with fear. Paralysis is a coping mechanism so that the mind does not have to deal with potential failure or even worse– the responsibility that goes along with success. Relaxing your drive to control is an exercise in the Art of Allowing—a Divine Feminine Practice. I strongly feel like the Universe is working through you on this one, my friend. You don’t have to do a lot. I’ve been checking in on Facebook and all my beloved people have been feeling their feelings very powerfully. They haven’t consciously done anything to prompt this outpouring of tears, it is just happening. They have been reporting that since the Sun moved into Cancer, they have had tremendous emotional awareness and profound tears.
For this Full Moon phase, it is essential to understand the importance of the Sun’s transit through the sign of Cancer, which is ruled by the Moon. The Sun entered Cancer on June 21st and will remain there until July 22nd. Although this has been a wickedly tough transition period for many of us, it has been HIGHLY beneficial—probably the most powerful solar transit of the year because of the great emotional awakening we are having. Emotional awakenings are a source of great power. Our emotions and feelings are key to manifesting our desires and communicating with our Spirit Guides. Clarity of thought, emotions and actions are crucial to using our Intuition and calling in what we need. Together, these will help guide us back to our Higher Selves. The Sun in Cancer is transformational, especially if we are feeling stuck, suffering from broken heartedness, victims of our old wounding, or are having trouble manifesting in a way that is powerful.
When the masculine and fiery Sun is transiting the feminine and cooling Cancer, there is an instant spark in your being as the two polarities (masculine and feminine, hot and cold, light and dark) ignite change. The rational Sun is trying to make sense of the emotional self, to organize this closet of dark and mysterious things. The Moon already knows what is there and is standing strong in stability, dignity, and steadiness.
You’re probably going to find that this spark is coming by way of an emotional awakening. You are awakening to your true and deeply buried feelings. When the Sun comes to Cancer, the closet where you normally tuck away your emotions, your beliefs and your impulses gets thrown open and all of what was hidden is put on display for YOU to deal with. So for this Full Moon in Capricorn, I think you would be wise to consider this: What do you have tucked away in your emotional closet? Fear? Doubt? Resentment? Uh-huh. Dreams that want manifesting? Hope? A secret plan to take over the world? Yep. Bring it out and deal with it. This is what the Sun shining in Cancer is calling us all to do. If you’re like me, you’re experiencing all of these diverse desires at the same time. There’s this keen awareness of all my limiting beliefs, fears and self-doubt, but at the same time, there’s this clear vision of exactly what my Soul wants to manifest. The Full Moon in Capricorn is going to distill our dreams in our being. We are opening the pathway for the Soul’s pure expression.
If you’re thinking that this is a BIG TIME Full Moon, you would be correct… and one worthy of being in all caps!
So the Sun illuminates the qualities and characteristics of whatever sign it is transiting. And here I want to take a moment to remind you that you are NOT just your birth sign. When the Sun transits a sign, your outward personality and perspective changes along with it. Every month I publish a Sun Report called We’re All A Little _______. That blank gets filled in with the current Sun sign. I do this vital report because you need to know how the Sun’s current placement is affecting YOUR personality and that of the cluster of people in your life. That big old beautiful star is influencing you whether you know it or not. As it intensifies and illuminates Cancer, people are a LOT more sensitive. Cancer is a fucking tenderhearted sign. It is deep in emotion, even though Cancerians don’t necessarily show this to the outside world. When the Sun is in Cancer, we ALL become more sensitive than usual. If you tend to be cerebral and rational, and you are not aware of that the Sun is urging you to deep emotionality, you might not be kind to yourself when you need it most. C’mon! You don’t want to waste an opportunity to shower yourself with LOVE. Compassion. REST. And Forgiveness. Please take the Sun transits seriously, my friend. It doesn’t matter if you were born on February 18th. You’re a little Cancer right now. It doesn’t matter if you can only think of yourself as Aries! You should think of yourself as Cancer. In two weeks we’ll all be a little Leo and you’re going to want to take advantage of that, for sure. Leo’s have fun and with the eclipses that are coming up, you’re really gonna wanna be prepared. The Sun rules Leo and I will be giving you some good tips to take advantage of that transit. You can sign up to get my reports delivered to your inbox and you can read We’re All A Little Cancer because the Sun will be here for another two weeks until July 22nd. That’s plenty of time to take advantage of the gift of Intuition, Manifestation and Authority that is dominating this time period.
Join me for a free LIVE online Channeling Event at the start of every Full Moon to get channeled insights from your Spirit Guides about love, wealth, career, health and anything else that tickles your fancy. I’ll take your questions and give you meaningful information to help you transform your life and find your balance and alignment. This month it happens on Sunday, July 9th at 6:00pm CEST. I’m currently in Zagreb, Croatia. Check the start time for your time zone.
So that’s all that I will explore for this Full Moon. Remember that you can begin to feel the effects of the Full Moon three days before it arrives and the shifting, regrouping and balancing will go on four to seven days after it.
Please sign-up to get my four vital astrology reports delivered to your inbox each month.
Here’s your ritual for the Full Moon in Capricorn…
1. First of all, this is a Full Moon Ritual that clearly involves Saturn. I recommend doing this ritual Friday night or early before sunrise on Saturday. Saturday is Saturn’s Day. And Saturn likes the coolness of night. If you can see the Full Moon as do your ritual, even better. Avoid doing this ritual on Sunday unless it’s well before Sunrise or well after Sun down. Did you know that the Sun is the Father of Saturn and they don’t really like one another? Saturn challenges the Sun’s authority, and the Sun disdains Saturn for it. So yeah. Watch your timing with this one.
2. Set the mood. Turn off your computer and phone. Put on some uplifting music that invokes good feelings in you. Make it positive and inspiring.
3. Light some incense or put some essential oils in some water in a burner. Get yourself a pretty glass and fill it water. Hold the glass in your hands and say a prayer of trust, love and optimism. Bring the water to your ritual space and sip on it as you do your ritual.
4. Get a white candle, but before you light it, say a word of thanks and bless the light that will come forth. Light the candle.
5. Journal and pen (or laptop or tablet or phone… whatever you’re gonna use to write. It could be a napkin and a crayon. Use what you got.) Put this near you because you’re going to need it in a few minutes.
6. Claim you spot at the authority table. Seriously. This is an important Full Moon. Be intentional as you sit down. Get comfortable, but maintain good posture. You can sit at a desk or on the floor or on your bed. Just get into a position where you can be focused and resolute.
7. Take a few deep breaths and tune into your entire body. Allow yourself to release any tension you may be holding. Put your dominant hand over your heart and see if you can notice the beat or feel heat radiating from your chest. Feel your body and settle into peaceful contemplation. You can lower your hands whenever you feel like doing so.
8. From your heart space, call upon the Goddess, the Divine Mother. Feel her light coming from within you. Feel the light filling you up, illuminating you from inside. Sit in peace for several minutes and just breathe the light of the Moon. Inhale. Exhale. If you are aware of any negative thoughts or feelings, surrender them, with appreciation and unconditional love. Let go of your fears, doubts, negative beliefs, worries and concerns. Breathe gently in this place of light and let go.
9. As you sit in oneness with the Moon, say a prayer of appreciation for this moment and all things that inspire you. Spend the next few minutes allowing yourself to feel your appreciation. Remember to use your breath to keep you connected to your body.
10. Now, take your mind back to that dark, mysterious lake that rests inside your being. Here is the story that you can tell yourself: “Imagine that you have gone up to your cozy, little log cabin in the woods. It is your safe place and you feel very much at home whether you are in the cabin or out among the tall and protective trees. I want you to imagine that it is nighttime and that you are answering an inner call to take a walk outside. You say, “Yes,” to that inner calling because you have an undeniable urge to feel the earth beneath your feet and the hear the hum of the crickets. You go outside and notice that the world is cloaked in a thick darkness. There is no moon in the sky, but here and there you can see a smattering of stars through the tall trees. Although it is very dark, you feel confident and safe. You go along slowly, cautiously, feeling your way, inhaling the scent of the trees, listening to the gentle wind. You find yourself moving toward the lovely lake that sits just behind your cabin. There is a clearing where the grass is low and you pull off your shoes and walk to the water’s edge. The grass is just slightly damp and you welcome the feeling on your bare feet. You find a comfy seat and sit down. Maybe you’re on a pier, or on the sand. It doesn’t matter. This is your special place and it is dark, cozy, and protected. You inhale and feel a sense of peace, and you look out over the lake observing the dark shapes that the trees form. Now imagine that a silver arc begins to slowly rise from below the horizon over the water. How does the landscape begin to change? Let your imagination take you on a journey of discovery as the Moon comes to illuminate and enlighten this sacred place.” Sit for several minutes and just see what comes up for you. I recommend at least 15 minutes of just breathing and witnessing this landscape. Remember the Art of Allowance. Allow the revelation to come.
11. After you bring yourself back into awareness of your space, just sit quietly and reflect on what you have observed in yourself. Talk to your Spirit Guides or God/Goddess and ask for assistance in releasing anything that wants to be released, and integrating anything that serves your Highest Good.
12. Say, “Thank you,” for all the love that has been bestowed upon you. Know that these words are appreciative, not grateful. What is the difference, you might wonder? Appreciation puts you on the same level of abundance. It is a mirror reflection of abundance. Gratitude is the feeling of having not had something and then getting it. It is about lacking something and then coming into having it. Appreciation is an acknowledgement that you were never lacking. It is a knowing that you have always been a child of God/Goddess—even when you have forgotten.
13. Shadow Work. Do some specific Shadow Work exercises to help you process what you experienced. If you don’t know what Shadow Work is, don’t worry about it. Just write down your fears, doubts and resistances and ask your spirit guides to help you heal. That’s good enough. I teach Shadow Work, so you can always arrange a few sessions so that you can learn it truly.
14. Your ritual for this Full Moon is now complete.
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