Hello and welcome to this month's Spiritual Guidance for the Badass Butterfly. The month of April is full of opportunity to examine more deeply our Baddass Butterfly Nature. We have a joyful Venus moving into her home in Taurus paired with the Sun in Aries and a retrograde Mercury. YIKES! This is both beautiful and frustrating. Venus loves being in her sensual Queendom, Taurus, and the Sun in sexy Aries is fuel for the passionate fires of creativity. But Mercury is retrograde in Aries, which means that there might be a tremendous amount of frustration around expressing yourself. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself trying to push forward with your projects and ideas like a stubborn ram (Aries) but finding your efforts thwarted by energetic stickiness (Mercury retrograde.) Your key to success:
Let go and let Goddess!
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Moon Reports for April 2018
Important Dates for April 2018
Tarot Forecast for April 2018
New Moon in Aries: April 16th (Includes Mercury Retrograde insights)
Full Moon in Scorpio: April 30th
About this report:
Spiritual Guidance for the Badass Butterfly is a monthly report that will give you insight about the energies affecting we Badass Butterflies. Each report takes the Moon as its primary guide, but it will also draw from other benevolent energies such as angels, devas (Gods and Goddesses,) and elementals such as Faeries, for example. The report will be released at the end of each month so that you can prepare for the upcoming month with plenty of time to organize. Consistent inner work is essential to be a badass. We need consistent practice and focus on our vision and we need to stay vigilant to the promptings of our Higher Self. I'm working to help you find the way. My reports, rituals and classes will help you deepen your connection to Spirit, promote your emotional wellness and empower yourself spiritually over the course of the month.
How to use this report:
- The best thing to do is to sign up to have this report delivered to your inbox each month so you don't miss it.
- Make note of the Important Dates and mark your calendar with the dates you need to know.
- Lightly read (skim) the whole Moon report that follows to get the overview of what opportunities are present for the coming month. See what makes you tingle and take notice. This is your intuition letting you know what work will be most important for you. Definitely make note in your journal about these things!
- Keep in mind that my reports are channeled and contain a wealth of helpful information meant to empower you from the inside out. My sacred work is to help my readership evolve into their Badass Divine Nature. Your Higher Self is Badass. I am to help you realize (make real) this.
- Personally, I would download the Moon Phase Report pdf and print it out so you can make notes on what is important to you.
- Consider joining an Emotional Wellness Happy Hour if you have a tough problem you want to tackle.
- Three days before each Moon phase, come back to this report and thoroughly read the section for the current Moon phase. This thorough reading is going to activate the healing inside you so your transition through the Moon phases will be more powerful.
- On the dates provided in the report, go to the Full Moon Ritual or New Moon Ritual and do the ritual as prescribed. Following the Moon each month is a powerful way to assist in your Soul's evolution. The Moon is a powerful Spirit Guide for personal development.
- Be consistent in your practice and your commitment to your emotional wellness and spiritual empowerment.
- Join the Emotional Wellness and Spiritual Empowerment Facebook group to connect in community with like-minded Souls creating their thrive from the inside out.
- Please share this report on your favorite social network. It is VERY much appreciated, Friend. Seriously. It's so helpful. ♥
Important Dates for April 2018
Moon phase dates...
Mark the following dates in your calendar so you can start the rituals promptly. If you are signed up to receive the Moon reports, then you will get a reminder to start the ritual in your inbox the day you should start it. NOTE: The dates and times below are in Central European Time based on my location in Zagreb, Croatia. The exact time and date will vary according to your location in the world. Click the date links to find out the exact time and date for your area.
New Moon in Aries: April 16th at 2:57am CEST
- Emotional Wellness Happy Hour for this Moon phase: Friday, April 13th at 3:30am CEST
- Do the one day New Moon in Aries Ritual at any time between April 13th and April 23rd for the best effects.
Full Moon in Scorpio: April 30 at 1:58am CET
- Emotional Wellness Happy Hour for this Moon phase: Friday, April 27th at 3:30am CEST
- Begin the 10-day Full Moon in Scorpio ritual on April 27th and try to complete it before May 10th
Other important planetary transits and dates to note...
The Sun entered Aries on March 20th
★ Mercury went retrograde on March 22, 2018!
Venus entered Taurus on March 31, 2018
★ Mercury goes direct on April 15th (PHEW!)
Chiron enters Aries on April 17th
Saturn retrogrades on April 17th
The Sun enters Taurus on April 19th
Pluto retrogrades on April 22nd
Venus enters Gemini on April 24th
Tarot Forecast for April 2018
I pulled out my Shadowscapes Tarot deck and tuned into my heart to feel what Spirit wanted me to share with you this month. I received the King of Cups.
The Shadowscapes King of Cups shows a glorious king in a watery world. He is handsome, and his face turns upward toward the light. He is face to face with a sea horse, a glorious little creature. Male seahorses are charged with protecting the young and the way they must navigate the sea is to go with flow. Their dorsal fin propels them while their pectoral fins (which are located below their eyes) steer them around. The slowest moving critter in the sea is the dwarf seahorse which moves at about five feet per hour.
This card is quite intriguing for us because right now the Sun is in Aries and Aries likes to get things done quickly. Aries knows what it wants and it wants it yesterday. Around the 19th, the Sun moves into Taurus and Taurus, too, is not exactly known for its patience. Both of these signs are fertile, meaning there is tremendous creative opportunity that wants to come forth while the Sun (itself a creative force) is illuminating these signs. The thing is, Mercury is retrograde and we will be under its influence for a few weeks to come. Where the Aries and Taurus drive will have us chomping at the bit to get things done, retrograde Mercury will make our progress sticky and slow. The presence of the little seahorse that the King of Cups faces is a reminder that slow and steady progress with consistent focus on the goal is what is called for right now. “Let go and let Goddess” is alive and well!
The King of Cups is an artistic soul who loves nothing more than attending the needs of his heart. In Tarot, cups represent the heart and emotions and this King has a giant heart that is at one with the sensual world around him. His message for us is to take care of our hearts, but to keep our connection to the world and be mindful of our responsibilities. So I ask you, Dear Friend: what are your current responsibilities that are blocking you from expressing your heartsong? Sometimes… well, most of the time, we have so many material-world responsibilities that we do not have the time or energy left to nurture our heart’s desires. Paying the bills, keeping up with the news, managing relationships, tending the children, handling our duties, and not to mention a little exercise and even downtime get priority over simply sitting still and connecting with the heart—our source of wisdom and inspiration.
This month, Spirit is encouraging us to handle our responsibilities while we remember the pacing of the little seahorse—and most importantly, we are to engage the blessing of our heartsong. Carve out some time this month to simply sit still and listen.
Reading Tarot cards is fun and easy. Tarot is different than Angel or Oracle cards. All are wonderful tools that I ADORE, but I personally enjoy the imagery and traditional symbolism often used in Tarot. Everyone can read Tarot cards without a class, but if you would like to learn how to do it, then please sign up for my Badass Butterfly’s Moonlight Tarot School. It’s a 12 module program that will teach you everything about Tarot including how to choose the right deck, how to create a safe and clean zone for doing your readings, how to recognize the Spirit Guides that come forth with Tarot, and of course, the meaning of all the cards. There is a beautiful handbook and each module comes with a video teaching to help you learn the material. I’ll have you reading Tarot cards right on the first day, so you don’t have to wait to start exercising your Intuition. It’s a very exciting class. Get all the details and sign up online.
New Moon in Aries April 16, 2018:
Mercury Retrograde is Your Friend
★ Do the one day New Moon in Aries Ritual any time between April 13th and April 23rd for the best effects. The New Moon rises in Aries on April 16th at 3:57am CEST.
Get help for this New Moon in Emotional Wellness Happy Hour: New Moon in Aries
Keywords: Higher Self Leadership, Higher Self-Esteem, Creativity, Challenge/Opportunity, Self-Assertion, Vision, Physical and Mental Stamina, Glamour
The sign of Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. It is a masculine fire sign. We have all probably met an Aries person and been quite impressed by their confidence and high self-esteem. Personally, I am impressed by how Aries people know what they want. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and it is equated with the high soaring vibration of Spring. Aries is energetic, good in the body, skillful, inquisitive, and pleasure-seeking.
Beginning around April 13th, we will have the Sun in Aries along with the New Moon in Aries. This is a fantastic opportunity to reset our system and make a new pact with our self-awareness. Because Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, we can view this as the start of a new year. A new year = A new YOU. Now is the perfect time to rededicate ourselves to our important goals around our self-esteem. This means it is a great time for expressing ourselves more powerfully and re-upping our commitment to self-love. Aries rules the head, the brain, the face and the eyes. With the Sun in Aries, for a month, starting March 20th, the Universe is urging us to expand how we use our head (do we ram into things like Aries, the ram?) how we use our brain (Aries is inquisitive and book smart. They love learning things in technical details,) how we face the world (Aries takes on challenge head-on, face first. They are direct,) and how we see the world (Aries is bright-eyed. You can see the fire when you look in their eyes, and they see the world as a mountain to be conquered.)
When the Sun moves into a sign, we are all challenged to grow ourselves in the areas the sign rules. So right now, we are being called to be more Arian—confident and assertive, etc. Okay. So let me do a brief check-in here and ask you how you’ve been feeling the last couple of weeks. Just reflect on your energy and check-in with yourself. Have you been feeling more confident? Have you been feeling great in your body? Yes? No?
Many of us have NOT been feeling particularly confident… in fact, we have been feeling beat down. Don’t worry. There’s a cosmological explanation for this and it’s called Mercury Retrograde. The Sun entered Aries on March 20th and Mercury went retrograde (IN ARIES) on March 22nd. Mercury Retrograde is a phenomena where the planet Mercury is in a motion that seems like it’s moving opposite the Earth. It’s not actually, but because of the orbit, it seems like it. Mercury primarily rules communication, not just among people, but among systems. Things go wrong when Mercury goes retrograde. Technology, electronics, and all mechanical things are ruled by Mercury and when he goes into retrograde motion, those things cease to communicate effectively. The whole human body is a system of communication, particularly around the brain. So, our whole system is challenged. We can’t think straight, we can’t necessarily process our emotions fully, and we just feel off kilter somehow. OH! And Mercury and Mars (Aries ruler) are enemitic, meaning, they don’t get on very well. Mars is hot-headed and impulsive. It is direct and can dispense with small talk. Mercury loves processes and it appreciates long and thoughtful communication. Mars wants you to get to the point. Mercury loves to draw out the conclusions and to keep building on them. So when the Sun moved into Aries, what was potentially a beautiful opportunity to unleash our Badass Butterfly Nature became thwarted with a bold, “Uh-uh. Not so fast.”
Mercury Retrograde was like pouring thick, rich tar into the spokes of your bicycle wheels. Here you are pedaling along happily only to find that you have to pedal harder and you’re not getting very far. Uh-oh—you’re stuck!
But thank goodness Mercury Retrograde has tremendous healing associated with its pain. This is a great opportunity to redo things. Whenever a planet goes REtrograde, the key is to REdo. They say that during Mercury Retrograde, you should not start new projects, sign new contracts, or start new relationships. You should certainly not make new large ticket purchases or invest in new technology. But what people don’t realize is that you can REDO stuff. That’s what’s great about Mercury Retrograde! So let’s say you got hired for a new job in Mercury retrograde last year and after getting your first check, you realized that something was wrong with how you were getting paid. You take the issue to your boss and human resources and you’re unable to get things resolved in a way that seems satisfying. Things were miscommunicated or misinterpreted and you were left with the short end of the stick. This is super typical of Mercury Retrograde. This is why astrologers caution you against accepting a job (and buying technology and making other large ticket purchases) while Mercury is in retrograde motion. The great news is that when Mercury Retrograde comes back, it is the perfect time to REnegotiate, REwrite, and REdo in general.
So while the Sun is pushing us forward into Arian Badassery, Mercury Retrograde is pulling us back saying, “Slow down and REview. Slow down and REdo.” The Sun is wanting us to experience expansion in our self-esteem and Mercury is saying, “Slow down and REview. Slow down and REdo.”
Here is my advice for this period, Friend. Since Aries is about self-esteem and self-confidence, consider taking this time to question your source of self-esteem and self-confidence. Take this time to feel into your self-doubt, anxiety and worry, and see if you can’t have some breakthroughs to help you heal any original trauma. I offer a powerful service called the Completion Process which helps you find the original source of emotional wounding and create healing for it. Healing and Shadow Work are great things to do when Mercury is retrograde because we are SO aware of our pain during this time. WOW!
Our beloved Universe has a wonderful sense of humor and a deep sense of compassion because get this: we have the New Moon in Aries on April 16th and Mercury moves back into direct motion on April 15th. Whew! RElief!
Okay. I know that I’ve been talking a lot about the Sun and Mercury Retrograde, but they are SUPER important to get you ready for this New Moon phase. As I’ve said, Mercury Retrograde is a tough period and whether you realize it or not, making your way through this tough period acts as an initiation into the next phase of your evolution. Slow down and REview; slow down and REdo are fortifying your base, your core. The three or so weeks of Mercury retrograde are like energetic boot camp. And wonderfully, on the last day, you’ve got a New Moon begging you to claim your reward for having survived. So, what’s it going to be, Precious?
How to benefit from the New Moon in Aries
The Sun and Aries are super masculine. The Moon is super feminine. The Sun and Aries have focal points outside themselves—they are in the world and they stand facing forward in creative masculine Authority. The Moon has two faces, one of which faces inward and the other which faces outward—both in creative feminine Authority. When the Moon is full, I teach that we should use her light to illuminate our inner landscapes. My 10-day Full Moon ritual takes us on a journey of exploring our deepest, darkest, shadow selves to find healing and reconciliation, forgiveness and inner strength. When the Moon is new, we use the dark, emptiness of the Moon’s face like a canvas on which we get to paint our heart’s desires. At the New Moon, we become like the Sun and we cast our focus outward and give shape to our future. So what shall we create with this wonderful opportunity, my friend?
Here are my suggestions, but you use your intuition to create your own destiny: (And remember to do the one-day New Moon Ritual to help you align with the energies…)
Higher Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence and overall Badassery. You’ve been challenged by the Sun and retrograde Mercury. You might have felt like you’ve been through the ringer. But rest assured, this New Moon is demanding you to rise up from the ashes like a phoenix. As retrograde Mercury fades, your confidence can shoot up like a rocket, if you are willing to let it. It’s important that you take a careful self-assessment and understand how you’ve been challenged these past weeks. After you’ve assessed your performance, don’t be afraid to lovingly rate yourself. Be critical to the degree that you develop your Higher Self-esteem, not break it. Aries is not known for its emotion or its ability to see another perspective. Although I want you to be careful of being overly critical, this is a prime opportunity to claim Badassery. You must vision your Badassery, claim it and act on it. Let me give you an example.
I am currently in a lovely cottage in Mount Pelion, Greece. It is a beautiful landscape and I came here to heal something. Okay, look. I was following my heart LITERALLY. I had a strong impulse (upon which I always act) and I was guided to book a trip to Greece. I was led to a particular cottage on Airbnb. There is no doubt that this was all Spirit guided because there was no f*cking logic to it. When I asked Spirit why I was going, I was told that I was going to find Chiron and learn from him. In Greek mythology, Chiron is a centaur that roamed the hills of Pelion. Chiron was a profound healer and if you’re familiar with astrology at all, you might recognize that there is an essential asteroid that we’ve named Chiron. This asteroid influences our healing journey for this particular lifetime. By the way, if you want to know about your healing journey using astrology, you can order your Astrological Birth Chart which will tell you all about your planets and how they’re interacting with one another. This 30+ page report will tell you about your Chiron placement and what influence it has on the other aspects of your chart. It’s essential for going deeper into your healing. This Chiron placement can help you understand why you came to Earth and what you came here to heal. This report is a great starting point!
At first, I was excited about the trip, but as the time came closer, I started REthinking my decision (Mercury Retrograde. I arrived in Greece the day Mercury went retrograde. Ha!) I got to the lovely stone cabin and was settling in okay. I admit that I was uneasy. Part of me was feeling Badass (Sun in Aries influence) but another part was feeling stressed out and apprehensive (Mercury Retrograde influence. Normally, I’m never stressed out while traveling.) I found myself swamped with work and I couldn’t really get out to do all the hiking and exploring of the mountain that I had wanted to do.
After I had been here for a few days, I went out for a walk along the old train tracks. As I was passing this quaint little hotel on the main road near my house and a puppy came charging up behind me and tapped my heels. I looked down and he sat looking up at me with the most soulful eyes. He was beautiful, but malnourished. Nothing but skin and bones. I went into the hotel and saw that they had a tavern, but no one was around. I decided that I would walk on and when I came back, if the puppy was still there, I would have dinner and give him my leftovers. I could also make inquiries and help the hotel find a shelter for him.
Well, I walked for about 90 minutes and as soon as I approached the hotel, puppy came bounding up again. I went into the hotel, had my dinner and came out with some food. I had asked the hotel staff about putting him somewhere safe while I contacted the shelter and they refused saying that there are too many strays and they didn’t want to help. I was irritated because while there were a lot of stray adult dogs in the area, a lone puppy is particularly vulnerable. The hotel staff had watched as the puppy was being abandoned by a man and woman in a van! He had no clan, no pack. He had no food. He was lost in a very clean village with no trash cans to tumble and feed himself. They had been ignoring him for days! By the way, it is bloody cold on this mountain!
I was very upset and I walked to my cottage and asked my host if I could bring the dog onto the property while I found it shelter. I was met with a resounding NO. “There are too many dogs. I can’t help them all so I won’t help one; I’ll end up with the responsibility because there are no real shelters here. It is the dog’s karma.” No, no, NO. (This is Mercury Retrograde stickiness and resistance, by the way. This is cosmological design aimed to help us grow.)
I went to bed and could not sleep. I was so upset for many reasons. Lots of stuff was going on inside my head and I couldn’t get it sorted (this is VERY retrograde Mercury.) I cried uncontrollably because I felt powerless, and I cried mostly because I could not bring myself to defy the host of the Airbnb and go up to the hotel and bring the dog down to safety. I cried because I felt cowardly. (This is the courageous Aries wanting to come through, but the Mercury Retrograde stickiness is holding it back.) This kind of self-assessment is what you’ll need to do in order to take advantage of this New Moon in Aries. Be courageously honest with how you feel. Boldly acknowledge where you need to develop the Arian qualities of courage, confidence, and initiative.
After not sleeping, at 2am I started searching for shelters and planning my strategy to rescue that puppy. (This is very Mercurial. Mercury likes planning and strategizing.) Instantly, I found an organization that services dogs here on Mount Pelion. I wrote them a message on Facebook and I decided that I would wait patiently for their response while I focused my mind on what I want to happen for the dog. This was very hard because fear kept making me see the dog as a victim. I really had to fight to stay focused and positive. I did Shadow Work and it helped a lot. Then I started getting more proactive and thinking about how I could contribute to the safety of dogs in the area while I’m here on Mount Pelion. I started getting empowered as I imagined myself spending time at a shelter caring for dogs while I’m here. Was this the reason Spirit led me to Greece?
I knew that the shelter folks would give me some helpful information and I decided that I became excited about spending time at their organization and/or giving them a generous donation if they could actually help me with the dog. My energy started shifting from I can’t to I can. My determination was rising and so was my confidence. (Mercury retrograde made me rethink my approach to this situation. Sun in Aries is asserting itself through my determination.)
Vida from the shelter wrote me back at around 10:00 that morning and said they’d appreciate the donation and that they had a foster care person who would microchip and vaccinate the pup whilst they tried to rehome him. She said that they rehome these dogs mostly in the UK and Germany. I started imagining this little dog roaming the German landscape with a lovely family surrounding him. I felt elated. By the way, the organization is called PAWS Pelion Greece. If you want to donate to them, they’d be happy to receive. There are hundreds of abandoned dogs in the area and PAWS is terribly short staffed and underfunded. Vida and her team are working to change the landscape of Pelion in a healthy way. Your support of the organization would be soooo appreciated. Even if it’s just five dollars. That can buy 5 kilograms of dog food!
Anyway, so after finding out how helpful Vida was, I went back to my Airbnb host and told her that I would be sponsoring the dog and that they would come and pick him up the next day. I asked if she wouldn’t mind me bringing him on the property and she was shocked by my tenacity and commitment to the animal. She started to REflect on her own perspective around the situation and she grew more open. She agreed to let the dog on the property as long as I cleaned up after him, watched him, and didn’t let him in the house. Of course, I heartily agreed. Her heart was opening by the moment and she went into her basement and came back with a carrying case, a leash and some old blankets that had belonged to her dog.
Okay. I’m going to pause here and try to explain this powerful opportunity this Mercury Retrograde provided for my Airbnb host to REDO (correct) her own Shadow. The Airbnb host had given her dog away just five months before because she was traveling. She was resistant to me bringing this new puppy for fear of the heartbreak she had experienced before. She had also had a previous tenant who had brought home a kitten, promising to rehome it, but abandoned it for the host to take care of. Upon seeing my fire, my host’s mind started opening and hear heart was able to start shining through the layers of past grief. All of a sudden, she became resourceful and helpful. This is the healing power of the Mercury Retrograde period. Opportunities to REDO abound!
The moment I got her approval, I took some cheese up to the hotel. I was anxious and nervous because I thought the puppy might have moved on. But he was there. I lured him back to cottage, fed him, set up a little house for him and made him comfortable. Upon seeing the dog, my Airbnb’s host REALLY softened and she began to yearn for his company. She wanted to keep him!
My hackles raised in a weird way and I got strangely defensive thinking she wouldn’t be an appropriate owner for this dog. She had said a few things that rubbed me the wrong way (like putting his crate in a dark, damp storage space at night so we wouldn’t hear him whining) and my instinct said that I shouldn’t encourage that union. It was crystal clear to me that they were not going to be a great match. This was Mars exerting its influence on me. Aries is confident and can see things clearly. It is also highly intuitive. Very strong currents of Arian leadership were coming through me and I started visualizing what this little dog needed. I wondered who could best provide for him. After sitting with these feelings and the thoughts in my head, I decided that I would take the dog. The powerlessness that I had felt the night before was gone as I saw that I am Badass and that I am EFFECTIVE. There was no better owner for this dog than me. This is a great example of claiming your Badassery.
I wrote to Vida at PAWS and went through the process of proper adoption—microchip, deworming, defleaing, vaccinations, health certificate, etc. Boom. Done. (Taking action is super Aries!) Voilà! I have a dog. Again. (Mercury Retrograde)
So, during this New Moon in Aries period, the first thing I want you to consider is how you can grow your self-esteem, self-confidence and your overall Badassery.
Managing Nwyfre. Nwyfre comes to us from Druidry and it means ‘Life Force.’ The New Moon in Aries is a powerful time to create some kind of relationship with Life Force Energy, Nwyfre. All of us have access to Nwyfre. There is an abundance of it, and it is this drive that is flowing through us, activating our organs and keeping us alive. The nature of Aries is fire and LIFE. If you’ve been rundown, out of shape, depressed or just plain old tired, the New Moon in Aries is a great time to set some goals around your energy. For example, recently (within the last year) I tend to have a lot of anxiety in my system. It permeates everything I do-- even when I am in quiet contemplation. I used to be on medication to help me manage anxiety and panic attacks, but I did a lot of healing work and got myself free of that affliction. I’m noticing it creep in again as I take on new challenges and this New Moon in Aries is the perfect time to confront it. Anxiety, nervousness, worry, and fear are issues of excess Nwyfre. This energy needs to be harnessed and directed toward something useful. Nwyfre is like a wild beast. A wild beast is a beautiful thing when it is able to run free and express itself and when it is under the leadership of an effective authority. But when it is not directed and instead is left pent-up and unmastered, it becomes an undisciplined drive that is destructive. I suggest that during this Moon phase, you tune into yourself and check your Life Force Energy. Do you have excessive energy that is wreaking havoc on you unconsciously? Or is your Life Force Energy weakly flowing so that you feel stagnant and lethargic? Use the Aries discipline and focus to help you master Nwyfre.
Decision Making. Aries is decisive. They know what they want and I love how Aries people don’t even seem to know how to doubt or question what they want. It’s a beautiful thing. And the thing is, what I have found with Aries is that it is not afraid to research and learn about a thing beforehand. If you’ve been straddling the fence about something, now is the time to tune into your intuition and make the decision. Aries people have excellent follow through. They’re not afraid of commitment and I want to encourage you to make some big, bold, Badass decisions (after you’ve done your research, of course!)
In conclusion… As we move into the New Moon in Aries phase, try to take the lessons you’ve learned over these last two weeks and build a stronger foundation for your Badass future. On the list of things you could be calling-in for yourself: MORE CONFIDENCE. Perhaps your desire is to embody that Arian confidence every day and to apply it to all your endeavors. Aries represents strong will and this Moon phase is calling you to master it. Mars rules the ego and a well-trained ego is a joy like a well-trained dog. Let’s take the opportunity of this New Moon to focus our will and train our ego. Also, consider how you would like stronger Higher Self-confidence to manifest in your life. Now is the perfect time to dialogue with Spirit and the Universe at large about Higher Self-esteem.
Okay, Lovely. This is PLENTY of information for you to consider for this Moon phase. Feel free to share your own experiences in the Comments section for this blog post, or join me in my Emotional Wellness & Spiritual Empowerment Facebook group where you're always invited to share your experiences during the Moon phases. Also, remember to sign-up for the one-day New Moon ritual to balance your Shadow and connect with your Light.
And don’t forget to check out Badass Butterfly's Moonlight Tarot School. It’s a 12 module program that will have you reading Tarot Cards in no time! Please sign up. It's gonna be GOOOOOOOD!
★ Begin the 10-day Full Moon Ritual on April 27th and try to complete it before May 10th. The New Moon rises in Scorpio on April 30th at 1:58am.
Get help for this Full Moon in Emotional Wellness Happy Hour: Full Moon in Scorpio.
Keywords: Death, Rebirth, Power, Confronting Fear
When the Sun moves into Taurus, the focus of our vibrations centers on fertility and connection to the land. There is a sense of abundance in and around us. The April showers have unlocked and activated the eager-to-be-seen May flowers. The temperature is just right to make love. Beltane is calling and it really is time to dance around the maypole in frivolous delight. Sensuality calls us out of our homes and out of our clothes. Lying in the park surrounded by yummy picnics, good friends and stimulating conversation are more than idle pleasures. They are nourishment for a hungry soul.
With the Sun in Taurus comes great responsibility because Taurus rules the second house of the zodiac: the house of income, wealth, and earthly possessions. There’s a LOT happening here because this house is intricately connected to our feelings of self-worth, which influences our ability to THRIVE.
The Full Moon always falls opposite the sign the Sun occupies. So while the Sun (masculine, direct, and outward) has us moving outward in the expression of our sensual, sexy, abundant, VIBRANT nature, the Full Moon has us moving inward to face the other end of the spectrum: the concepts of death, transformation, and TAXES.
I won’t be talking about taxes and ‘other people’s money’ in this Moon report, however, let me just suggest that if you have any issues with bureaucratic institutions, you might want to take the time now to look for resolution. That’s all I have to say about that…
When the Moon is full in Scorpio, it’s as if our intuition is diving deep into the rich texture of a fertile landscape. There is SO MUCH LIFE in the dark shadows and it’s this energy that is calling our attention. The Full Moon in Scorpio is one of our more pivotal phases because of Scorpio’s rich, dark nature. Scorpio is deep, unbridled passion and it is ruled by the planet Pluto. Pluto is known as the god of the underworld because of his original associations with mined wealth—for example, gold and silver, which are mined from beneath the Earth’s surface. His connection with the act of mining and uncovering value helps us understand the importance of this Moon phase.
The Full Moon in Scorpio means that the powerful Goddess energy of the Moon is penetrating the Earth’s surface to find the hidden treasures. At the time of the Full Moon, our intuition is amplified and much of our egoic resistance is lessened as our subconscious mind comes forward. Many people experience wild dreams, visions and downloads (epiphanies) about themselves, their healing journey, and the world around them. For those rooted in left-brain ‘logic’ this is a daunting time that makes them feel out of control and looney. But for those of us initiated into the ways of the Goddess, we embrace the fluidity between the conscious and the subconscious with enthusiasm, even expanding our experience with ritual and rich healing practices.
The sign of Scorpio is deep, probing, and unafraid of the mucky stickiness that must come from getting down and dirty. This Full Moon will find us risking the stability of our tenuous comfort for a dance with the Lord of the Underworld. Who knows what riches will reveal themselves to us?
How to benefit from the Full Moon in Scorpio
I am a woman who ADORES transformation. I love the concept of death and rebirth even though it scares me. I want to encourage you to hop on my boat and take a ride with me through the Full Moon in Scorpio. Be sure to sign up for the Monthly Full Moon Ritual.
Confronting fear. Releasing fear. Every Moon phase is a doorway. At the doorway stands the High Priestess who calls down the Moon. But before you reach this High Priestess (this earthly woman who has done her work and can, in integrity, embody the Goddess,) you MUST walk through the guardians of the path. The guardians of the path are the things you fear most. During this Full Moon in Scorpio, I am encouraging you to call forward your courage so that you can confront your darkest fears face-to-face.
Some of you may be shaking in your boots and saying, No freaking way, Crystal Lynn! Others are saying, YES! But how?
For those who are not ready for this kind of big, Badass breakthrough, I don’t blame you. It’s freaking scary. Just sit back and relax into this Full Moon phase and take on some of the more gentle opportunities that are coming forward for you. Not everything is about extreme transformation.
For those who simply MUST push past their fear because they are tired of being ruled by it, understand first, that with powerful transformation comes great responsibility. If you want to be Badass, you must BE Badass all the time, not just when it’s easy or convenient. Badass does not equal chickensh*t. The Universe is prepared to make you an Unconditional Badass, which means that even when faced with fear, you choose to hold to your Divinity. This is what is meant by humility. Humility means that you never deny the Divine and you submit your ego to it all the time.
If you are ready to walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death, then put on your big girl panties and fear no evil for the truth of who You Are is with you. Her rod and her staff are your magic wand which you use to harness your energy and direct it into the world. At this Full Moon in Scorpio phase, the Universe is preparing a banqueting table at which you are invited to feast with your fears. Keep your mind on the Divine as you enjoy the feast, but do NOT get distracted by the temptation the little demons lay at your feet. They will tempt you with the comforts of self-doubt, fear of failure, and fear of success. They will tempt you to stay safe and small in bad relationships, in subordinate positions at work, and they will make you think that no one will read your book if you write it. They will tempt you to stay comfortable in the belief that you are not educated enough, not pretty enough, not thin enough to claim the life partner of your dreams. They will tempt you into believing that you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They will lure you into their web of deceit with fantasies of people pleasing and having lots of conditional friendship that make everybody happy except you. You LOVE to make other people happy!
Don’t be lured in by false prophets, my friend. Your fears are lying to you.
Am I saying that all fears are unfounded and should be ignored? Nope. Some fears are helpful Spirit Guides that are meant to serve and protect for a brief period of time. Let them serve you for a BRIEF period of time. Sit with these and engage with them in a healthy dialogue, but then YOU HAVE TO LET THEM GO! Do NOT make them your god and follow them with devotion. Do NOT take them as your battle cry and your security blanket. Do not make them your protector. Don’t hide behind them for god’s sake!
Look, friend, Scorpio is a powerful sign, and the opportunity for us to let go of our attachment to some BIG fear is calling us. DO IT. All the signs are right. We are in a ‘2’ year, the year of the Moon and Divine Feminine Authority. Rise up and claim your Authority INSIDE. That’s what this entire year is all about.
Need help with any of this? Either sign up for Emotional Wellness Happy Hour to get group help or book yourself in for a complimentary Emotional Wellness Strategizing Session. This latter session is for folks ready to get down to business. Book this session ONLY when you are ready to dig deep and do the work to heal. We’ll explore your desires, your fears, and the things holding you back and I’ll tell you my solutions and how I can help.
Death. Hello. Death and rebirth are the hallmarks of the Scorpio drive. Death is the absolute surrender of all the physical baggage and the shift into pure Awareness. Light goes from being masked by the three-dimensional illusion of reality and returns to the infinite expansion of the Great All. Every single day, we are in an exchange of death and rebirth. The very nature of life expresses this dance even as one moment dies and another is reborn. The Full Moon in Scorpio gives us a once-a-year opportunity to go into this process with our eyes wide open—to be present as the sun sets on one expression and rises with another.
Earlier I suggested that you confront your fear in a courageous dialogue that lets you learn your lesson and then detach yourself from that relationship. I am recalling this sense of fearless confrontation as you explore the death of what is ready to be released. During this Full Moon phase, I want to encourage you to do a fearless self-assessment of old habits, behaviors, beliefs, perspectives, and grievances that no longer serve your magnificence. Where are you a prisoner of your own mind? Where are keeping yourself hostage to old relationship and social paradigms that are holding you back instead of pushing you forward? Where are you rooted to your old way of doing things that lets you feel in control of your kingdom, even though your landscape has grown barren and the inhabitants have vacated, withdrawing their energy leaving the place lifeless?
Death of the old way is another way of seeing change. The Full Moon in Scorpio is a chance to embrace change as we salute and honor what has come before.
Remember that on the other side of the coin is rebirth. The moment one thing dies, something new is born of it. In Tarot, the Death card doesn’t usually mean the death of the physical body, but rather the release of what has run its course. Our job during this Moon phase is to let the dead care for the dead while we eternal beings step through the stone gates into the next phase of our evolution. This is our destiny.
Feel your feelings. Scorpio is feminine and receptive. It feels intensely. With the Full Moon rising in Scorpio, there is tremendous opportunity to reacquaint ourselves with our feeling nature. Feeling your feelings can help you be more authentic and it can help you be more compassionate. Doing Shadow work and Inner Child work right now will be easier because you have more access to your feeling nature. It’s your feeling nature that directs the healing process. For example, when I am taking someone through the Completion Process, they have to feel their feelings in order for the Inner Child to trust them. Your Inner Child can’t trust you if you are in denial about how you feel. Your Inner Child is a collection of thoughts AND FEELINGS, so if you can’t feel your feelings then you are denying that aspect of the Inner Child. This is why the Inner Child separated in the first place—because they had to deny their truth! This is heartbreaking for the child and a coping mechanism that helped them (you) survive. But it’s 2018 now. You are no longer powerless and you no longer need the protection of suppressed emotions. You need authenticity. You need to feel your feelings.
In my Emotional Wellness & Spiritual Empowerment Facebook group, I have shared a couple of videos from my teacher, Teal Swan, that teach you how to do Shadow Work and how to change limiting beliefs. I always recommend these videos to my clients and I teach them how to go through the processes, since most people seem to get stuck in doing it on their own. I've been blessed to work with Teal directly and have gained tremendous depth of understanding from the work. I'll tell you, Friend, working with a coach or teacher is invaluable. It's great that we have Inner Guides to help us, but our growth becomes exponential when we engage a professional. Emotional Wellness Happy Hour is a wonderful chance to work with me in a group setting for a low price. I love these sessions because of the heartfelt connection we develop and the DEEP healing that comes forth. Our ability to transform is amplified when we come together for healing and it is beautiful. I hope you'll join me and bring your own team of healing Spirits to the mix.
Yaaaas! This is PLENTY of information for you to consider for this Moon phase. Feel free to share your own experiences in the Comments section below, or join me in my Emotional Wellness & Spiritual Empowerment Facebook group where you're always invited to share your experiences during the Moon phases. Also, remember to sign-up for Emotional Wellness Happy Hour to get help with anything that's coming up for you around this New Moon phase.
Blessings, Beloved Friend. ♥